April 28, 2014

In 2014, E-Learning will Overtake Online Advertising in Dollars Spent Worldwide

Below is a great one-page overview on the global E-learning industry. In 2012, the size of the education industry worldwide was $4.4 trillion dollars, supported by 1.4 billion students and 62.5 million educators.

e-Learning, the fastest growing segment within the education industry, was worth $91 billion dollars worldwide, growing at 23% CAGR over the next five years until 2017. Global online advertising spend in 2012 was $100.2 billion, growing at a CAGR of 13% over the following five years (Source: PwC). That means, in 2014, the size of the global e-Learning industry, at $137.7 billion dollars, will surpass the money spent worldwide on online advertising ($127.9 billion).

It is quite remarkable how fast this tipping point has occurred. Transition to e-Learning within the education industry is just getting started, while in advertising, transition to the Internet started almost twenty years back. Clearly, e-Learning is poised for massive growth which will significantly disrupt education, one of the largest industries in the world.

Source: IBIS Capital, a London-based specialist media investment and advisory group. IBIS hosts the annual EdTech Europe conference.    

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