June 21, 2007

The Media Revolution - 2050

This is an interesting video on the future of the media industry. Too radical in my opinion, as most such predictions usually are. End of radio, TV, advertisement, books, abolition of copyright in 2020 after Lawrence Lessig, the author of Free Culture, takes over as the U.S. Secretary of Justice, etc.

Some are however on the mark. E.g., the concept of prosumer (producer + consumer) has already become mainstream, and is only going to gain further momentum.


pblely said...

The USC Entertainment Technology Center is very interested in learning more about your plans for the Silicon Valley NBCU Digital Media Product Lab. I am an active advisor to the Lab. Can we talk?

Phil Lelyveld
VP Digital Industry Relations
The Walt Disney Company
(w) 818 460 7054

(PS - I just sent a similar message to you on linked-in. It will be delayed until Kevin Gage connects us.)

pblely said...

Interesting video. I submit that as more prosumers create content (51% of Koreans with broadband have uploaded a video) and see others making money from their work, they will drive a rebalancing of cultural attitudes and the development of resources that track, reward (attribution, money, other), and enforce restrictions on (more than a passive cc license) the use of their work.